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Roll on Big I!!

Help us make a BIG impact heading into 2025!

$9,755 raised

$10,000 goal

Choose your own amount

/ 150


We are here to brighten the future of children in our area!

The mission of the Iroquois School District Foundation is to enhance the educational opportunities for all district students, Kindergarten through Grade 12. The Foundation seeks to accomplish this purpose by developing imaginative and creative partnerships with educators, with the financial support of alumni and friends.

This year, the Iroquois School District Foundation is extremely excited and proud of the year that we had! We were able to continue to improve our annual scholarship program, host an All-Alumni Reunion, give more for Staff Grants, volunteer at several school sponsored events and create and improve other yearly initiatives!

With as hard as our Foundation is working to improve educational opportunities throughout our district; much of the district continues to struggle financially, making our efforts to improve education in our area all the more important. Our hope is to continue to help improve the education of all students in our district to help make their futures brighter. Please donate today!

One example of an opportunity that we provide annually is our Staff Grants. Every year, the Staff and Teachers in the District have the opportunity to apply for a competitive grant through the Foundation. We traditionally award $6000 for classroom projects or the 'extras' that our very creative teachers want to incorporate in their teaching. This year, because of our communities support, we were able to grant almost $7000 for projects. So many ideas, and never enough funding. Can you help?

The Foundation is also thrilled to offer scholarships to graduating seniors - in 2024, we awarded over $8000! We have many named scholarships, and funding these scholarships will aid the groups and families that initiated them to have them last for years to come!

As we head into 2025, we wanted to recap a few of the initiatives that our Foundation works endlessly to provide for our school district.

We want to thank everyone who has donated to the cause, attended one of our events and believes in what our Foundation stands for! We want to thank you for your continued support of the Iroquois School District Foundation.

We are excited to see what we can do as a Foundation, as a community, as #onefamily in 2025!

Roll on BIG I!